Getting to know - Colin Abdu

Please tell us about the roll you play within the Quorum team. 

I’m responsible for the general maintenance of the park grounds as well as supporting new environmental and sustainability initiatives.

What rolls did you do prior to joining the Quorum team?

A number of different landscape gardening and grounds maintenance roles.

When did you start working at Quorum?

April 2022

What do you enjoy most about your role at Quorum?

Working outdoors has always appealed to me. I take pride in the fact that people entering the park each day will appreciate the hard work we invest in our roles.

I enjoy building relationships with a diverse range of people and looking out for environmental improvements in the way we approach our work.

What makes Quorum a special place to work?

The people and our joint commitment to working together for a common community goal.

What will keep you busy in the coming months?

There will be plenty of leaves to pick up soon with the arrival of autumn. There are grass areas that were left long over the summer months that need some work. There are shrubs to prune and always many other jobs to help with around the park.

What have been your most memorable days whilst working at Quorum?

Helping out with the Event Days is always nice.

Tell us something interesting about yourself.

I went to Live Aid back in 1985 and was lucky enough to get near the front of the stage and see myself on TV. I’m also a good skier.

Who do you admire?

Laurel and Hardy - their humour was perfection beyond words. Slapstick at its very finest!

What gets you out of bed on a morning?

My alarm at 5.15am!

What is the one piece of advice you have never forgotten?      

The importance of kindness and patience.

What keeps you busy when you’re not working at Quorum?    

I like exercise classes such as spinning or HIIT or Yoga/ Pilates and going to music gigs.

What does relaxion look like for you?  

Reading and a bit of TV

What was the last book you read?

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce

Name your top 3 albums of all time

  • Solid Air by John Martyn

  • Slade Alive by Slade

  • Pipedream by Alan Hull

If you could be anyone from any time period who would you be and why?

The Duke of Wellington for his great tactical success and leadership in the war against Napoleon.



Getting to know – Claire Lusk


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